A pragmatic health technology assessment of PrEP and implementation
The trial is designed to measure how many people at high risk of acquiring HIV will take up the offer of PrEP, and so will focus on:
Men who have sex with men (MSM);
Trans men and trans women;
HIV-negative people who have HIV positive partners that are not on effective treatment
Heterosexual people who are considered to be at high risk of HIV acquisition.
You may be able to take part if:
You are HIV negative
You are over the age of 16
You are considered to be at high risk of HIV
You are willing to adhere to the recommended PrEP regimen and re-attend the clinic every 3 months
You may not be able to take part if:
You have an illness that could be due to HIV, you would need to wait until it has been confirmed that you don’t have HIV
You are taking any medication that wouldn’t react well with PrEP
If you do not fall within the eligibility criteria for but feel that you would benefit from accessing PrEP, you can discuss this with your clinician. There are alternative options to access PrEP.